ed sheeran

Ed Sheeran Burst His Eardrum — Playing Music or Jumping Off a Yacht? Guess Which!

MTV EMA's 2015 - Show
Ed Sheeran. Photo: Brian Rasic/Getty Images

Ed Sheeran recently burst his eardrum doing something awesome. You guessed it, he jumped off a yacht! Most of us can’t even get onto a yacht, let alone jump off one! Sheeran told Australia’s Nova Radio he’ll be getting his ear operation in January. “I landed wrong and it burst my eardrum, so I have to go and get a graft, which means I’m not allowed to fly for a while, so it’s kind of good, it means I have to stay at home.” That’s right, Sheeran: less flying, more jumping off yachts (practice makes perfect). Keep that rock-star persona alive. Sheeran will be finishing the rest of his tour in Australia, but with extra ear protection while performing — but, like, cool, rock-star ear protection.

Ed Sheeran Burst His Eardrum