As much as he might like it to stop, people won’t stop asking Idris Elba about James Bond. But in an interview with The Guardian, the actor revealed he’s interested in making a different movie right now. While discussing the trailer for the latest installment of Luther, the actor was asked if this would be the last chronicle of the detective’s dark and stormy London adventures, “Nah, nah,” Elba said. “I would like to make it into a movie.” In fact, Elba loves Luther so much that he’s working an album inspired by the character titled Murdah Loves John. He’s really proud of his work, and likened it to a certain double-oh agent. “I’m just saying Murder Loves John has the same sort of gravitas as any Bond song,” Elba told The Guardian. “That’s reinvention. Come on, man, this is art, man; we’ve all had a paintbrush, we all can’t paint the same landscape.” (Relatedly: Elba sounds like a great guy to just chill with.) So what if, instead of being the next James Bond, Elba wrote the next theme song? “Absolutely. I’m all for that,” he said. Move aside, Sam Smith. Move aside.