Rob Zombie, or, as you may know him, Robert Bartleh Cummings (just kidding, we totally checked Wikipedia), recently found out his upcoming horror film, 31, received an NC-17 rating from the MPAA, and it is soul-crushing. (The name of White Zombie’s debut album was Soul-Crusher … FYI.) According to Zombie’s Facebook, the MPAA slapped his film with an NC-17 rating after he edited it twice. He wrote:
“Well, after two tries through the MPAA our rating on 31 remains NC-17. Maybe three is the charm to get an R rating. Why R you ask? Well, because your local theater will not show an NC-17. Even though you are a fucking adult … things much be censored for your enjoyment.”
Apparently, the film was rated NC-17 for some normal things like “sadistic graphic violence” and “some strong language,” but also for some weirder things like “bizarre sexuality.” Bizarre sexuality?? C’mon. Isn’t all sexuality bizarre? That’s just redundant! Oh, that’s our therapist on the phone. Hang on one sec.