Beep beep.
Photo-Illustration: Maya Robinson and Photos by LucasFilms, Getty Images and
You may have heard that the Force will be awakening on December 18. To provide an outlet for our excitement, we’ve assembled another Vulture Advent Calendar — in this case, 25 Star Wars–themed stories, one per day until Christmas. None of them will involve midi-chlorians.
Believe it or not, droids actually age, even if their parts take a bit longer to rust than your average Jedi’s. It’s at least easy to track C3PO’s age since he’s always losing parts, but R2-D2? That might be near impossible. Which is exactly why it warranted a quiz. An impossible quiz, even for the biggest of Star Wars fans, that reveals how utterly ageless R2-D2 is, just like Pharrell, Gabrielle Union, or Paul Rudd (they’re probably droids too). And to be clear: We’re going by his Star Wars chronology age, so R2-D2 is younger in the prequels than he is in the original trilogy.
"type": "5050",
"subtype": "photo-reveal",
"gid": "olderr2d2",
"header": {
"title": "Which R2-D2 is Older?"
"slides": [
"answer": "A New Hope",
"options" :[
"title": "A New Hope",
"img": ""
}, {
"title": "The Empire Strikes Back",
"img": ""
"answer": "Force Awakens",
"options" :[
"title": "Force Awakens",
"img": ""
}, {
"title": "Phantom Menace",
"img": ""
"answer": "Return of the Jedi",
"options" :[
"title": "Return of the Jedi",
"img": ""
}, {
"title": "Attack of the Clones",
"img": ""
"answer": "Revenge of the Sith",
"options" :[
"title": "Revenge of the Sith",
"img": ""
}, {
"title": "Phantom Menace",
"img": ""
"answer": "Empire Strikes Back",
"options" :[
"title": "The Phantom Menace",
"img": ""
}, {
"title": "Empire Strikes Back",
"img": ""
"answer": "Revenge of the Sith",
"options" :[
"title": "Attack of the Clones",
"img": ""
}, {
"title": "Revenge of the Sith",
"img": ""
"answer": "Return of the Jedi",
"options" :[
"title": "Attack of the Clones",
"img": ""
}, {
"title": "Return of the Jedi",
"img": ""
"answer": "Empire Strikes Back",
"options" :[
"title": "Empire Strikes Back",
"img": ""
}, {
"title": "Revenge of the Sith",
"img": ""
"answer": "A New Hope",
"options" :[
"title": "Attack of the Clones",
"img": ""
}, {
"title": "A New Hope",
"img": ""
"answer": "Return of the Jedi",
"options" :[
"title": "Return of the Jedi",
"img": ""
}, {
"title": "Revenge of the Sith",
"img": ""
"promos": [
"title": "Can You Tell Which Paul Rudd Is Older?",
"link": "",
"img": ""
"title": "Quiz: Which Pharrell Is Older?",
"link": "",
"img": ""