star wars

Guess Who Voices BB-8 in Star Wars: The Force Awakens? You’re Going to Love the Answer

What does this little robot have in common with Vincent Price? Photo: LucasFilm

Is it possible for BB-8 to be even cuter than you thought? The answer is no, because you already thought BB-8 was the most adorable creature known to man. (No spoilers, but there’s a moment in Force Awakens when the droid does the cutest thing you will ever see anything do in your life.) But it turns out, the little droid does have one surprise in store: HitFix reveals that the droid’s bleeps and bloops were provided not by an anonymous Lucasfilm employee, but by the duo of Bill Hader and Ben Schwartz, who are both credited as “BB-8 vocal consultants” on the film. (Hopefully, they’re now flush with caaa-aaash.) As Hader explained, the voice was created by a Human Framptonator — you know, that thing where a director attaches a strange device to the voice box of his favorite comedian to make a bunch of nerds laugh. Or, in Hader’s words: “J.J. [Abrams] f—ing around with this sound effects app on his iPad that was attached to a talk box operated by me. It looked ridiculous, but it made BB-8’s voice.”

Who Did the Voice of BB-8 in Force Awakens?