Colin Trevorrow, whose Jurassic World was 2015’s second-highest-grossing film (behind, of course, The Force Awakens), recently said that he plans on shooting his Star Wars entry on actual tangible film, because “digital wouldn’t make sense.” (Jurassic World didn’t make any sense, but he didn’t seem to mind that.) Now he’s upped the ante, with the even more ambitious proclamation that he wants to shoot the film literally in space. “I asked the question, ‘Is it possible for us to shoot IMAX film plates in actual space for Star Wars?’” the director said on the Power of Story: The Art of Film panel. “And I haven’t gotten an answer yet, but they’ve shot IMAX in space.” Christopher Nolan, who was also on the panel, mentioned that he had wanted to do that for Interstellar, but decided not to. Richard Garriott’s Apogee of Fear was the first science-fiction film shot in space, in 2008. That movie is less than 10 minutes long, because shooting a movie in space is impractical. We don’t know really anything about Star Wars IX, but it will probably be longer than 10 minutes.