The coughing, the sores, the antihero — surely, Dr. House, the signs point to lupus! But no, it’s not lupus. It’s Hulu. Yes, Hulu has made a 20-episode, two-season order for Chance, a drama starring Hugh Laurie as doctor — though this time as a forensic neuropsychiatrist named Eldon Chance. But while House mostly kept to the hospital, Chance, which is based on a novel from Kem Nunn, will take Laurie’s doctor into San Francisco’s criminal underworld, after “an ill-advised decision involving a patient possibly suffering from multiple personality disorder.” Room’s Lenny Abrahamson is set to direct a few episodes of the series, so here’s to hoping the criminal underworld is a little more palatable than Brie Larson’s room. Chance is set to premiere later this year, after the release of Hulu’s first two dramas, The Path and 11.22.63.