Perhaps still a little distracted from his creative process (or in an effort to take the attention away from Anti), Kanye fired off a couple pressing butt updates late Thursday night. Evidently the whole Wiz-Amber skirmish got Ye thinking, at least a little, about how others might be thinking about him and his butt; his brief handling of that anxiety was equal parts entertaining, informative, sage, and confusing. “Exes can be mad but just know I never let them play with my ass … I don’t do that … I stay away from that area all together,” he explained, tweeting in that stream-of-consciousness way only he can. “I’m not into that kind of shit … I like pictures and videos Me and my wife got the kind of love that can turn exes into best friends.”
Okay, and now back to Waves?
Or, for more on where this came from, head here.