Oscar-less actor and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio will do crazy things for his roles, including, but not limited to: eating bison liver, sleeping in animal carcasses, and appearing in films directed by Baz Luhrmann. But one thing Leo won’t do (well, one other thing) is direct his own movie. Speaking with Variety about the Hell that was the Revenant shoot, DiCaprio said:
“I’ve been so blessed to work with some great filmmakers, that I’m probably cursed to probably ever work as a director myself,” DiCaprio, 41, said. “I don’t think I would be able to compare to what I’ve seen. There are so many things that come into play when you make a movie. I really don’t know how they do it. The truth is, the one thing I regret, if anything, in my long career having worked with the likes of Alejandro [G. Iñárritu] and Marty [Scorsese] is not be able to be a voyeur and stand aside and watch what they do, because I’m only concerned about what the hell I’m doing every single day.”
“But,” DiCaprio continued, “it would have been wonderful to have someone document all the great experiences I had and learn from the decisions. That’s what you have to look for when you work with these directors. It’s these tiny little decisions that change something from being mundane.”
Looks like we’ll just be keeping our eyes on the Best Actor category, then.