The Best Frozen Moments From the 2016 Grammys
The 2016 Grammys were last night, and boy, were they last night. We’ve already picked our highs and lows and highlighted our favorite performances (not just Hamilton and Kendrick) that did and, sadly, did not happen (see you next year, Rihanna and Lauryn). Now it’s time to shine a light on the moments between those Grammy moments — sorry, #GrammysMoments. Here are the best facial expressions, the best reaction shots, the best accidental Solo cups in frames. May we present the best frozen moments of the 2016 Grammys.

Somewhere, Lena Dunham screamed like a bubbe receiving a homemade card from her grandchildren. "Oh! You two are so creative. I could plotz."
...Somewhere, Lena Dunham screamed like a bubbe receiving a homemade card from her grandchildren. "Oh! You two are so creative. I could plotz."

"Oi, 'Out of the Woods'? More like 'I want these sparkles out of my hair.' It's like the end of Ghostbusters, if the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man wa...
"Oi, 'Out of the Woods'? More like 'I want these sparkles out of my hair.' It's like the end of Ghostbusters, if the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man was instead a giant stripper."

"Let's hear it for my cute earring!!!!!!"

Look, we know that those are in-ear monitors and not tentacles coming from the base of Taylor's skull. And we know that even if they were tentacles, t...
Look, we know that those are in-ear monitors and not tentacles coming from the base of Taylor's skull. And we know that even if they were tentacles, they aren't about to "strike" just because they're out in the open. And we know that Selena Gomez doesn't get many opportunities to rest her head on Taylor's shoulder because of their height differences. That said, Selena, protect your eyeballs: They're the most vulnerable spot for Taylor's hair tentacles (a.k.a. tenthaircles).

"Can you believe I'm sitting next to Adele, mate?"

Producer 1: Who is the perfect person to sit behind Rev Run when we shout out his Lifetime Achievement Award?
Producer 2: A goober so white, he'll ma...
Producer 1: Who is the perfect person to sit behind Rev Run when we shout out his Lifetime Achievement Award?
Producer 2: A goober so white, he'll make an exec at Nestlé think to release a limited run of white-chocolate Goobers.
Producer 1: How did you get in this production tent? Who the hell are you? You think there are two producers for this train wreck? Get out!

And the Grammy for the I'm Gonna Steal Your Man–iest Face goes to ... the woman behind Lionel Richie!
Somewhere, Sam Hunt and Carrie Underwood are still looking at each other like this. Seriously. This is actually not a screenshot from the Grammys; it'...
Somewhere, Sam Hunt and Carrie Underwood are still looking at each other like this. Seriously. This is actually not a screenshot from the Grammys; it's a livestream of them right now.
Relax with that close-up, cameraman. Even Lionel Richie's proctologist is like, "Okay, we get it," and he's Lionel Richie's proctologist. Hi...
Relax with that close-up, cameraman. Even Lionel Richie's proctologist is like, "Okay, we get it," and he's Lionel Richie's proctologist. His proctologist!
"Dude, I told you not to cut to me unless someone onstage says 'Charlie Puth.' Now people just think I'm Wiz Khalifa's agent's assistant, coverin...
"Dude, I told you not to cut to me unless someone onstage says 'Charlie Puth.' Now people just think I'm Wiz Khalifa's agent's assistant, covering the event because my boss is already at the after-party."
I can't remember what this shot was from. But by the looks of Beck, it was when Xenu performed.
Nothing says rock and roll like looking like a freshman who brings a red Solo cup to class hoping someone asks him about it, so he can go, "Oh, w...
Nothing says rock and roll like looking like a freshman who brings a red Solo cup to class hoping someone asks him about it, so he can go, "Oh, whoa, I didn't even realize I kept the cup from the party I went to last night that was definitely not my first party."
Sing like no one's listening. Dance like it's an episode of Lip Sync Battle and this is one of the four times they cut to you.
They look like the committee who planned the rave in the second Matrix.
All it took was not winning to see what Taylor's actual surprise-face looks like.
Aaron Burr: If he just "trips" down the stairs right now, we can save us all a lot of heartbreak.
This is like a Rorschach test. I see ... me ... not making a joke about this performance.
"Please don't cut to me, please don't cut to me, please don't cut to me ..." —These white people, and all white people, during Kendrick's pe...
"Please don't cut to me, please don't cut to me, please don't cut to me ..." —These white people, and all white people, during Kendrick's performance
"Yaaaaaassss queen!" chanted her subjects after Adele was beamed back to the alien planet she rules magnanimously.
Years ago, Grammy scientists realized that David Bowie would die one day, so they created a being that one day would be able to properly pay tribute t...
Years ago, Grammy scientists realized that David Bowie would die one day, so they created a being that one day would be able to properly pay tribute to him. That being was ... Madonna. But last week, the producers were like, "Yucky, too old, can we just get Lady Gaga."
The Hollywood Vampires answer the question: What happens when a vest has a baby with a pile of old cocaine?
That moment when you realize that you beat Kendrick and you're trying to remember what you read in Rembert's essay.
"She sure had that first woman to win Album of the Year twice stat at the ready."
"And as the first woman to win Album of the Year at the Grammys twice, I want to say to all the young women out there, there are going to be peop...
"And as the first woman to win Album of the Year at the Grammys twice, I want to say to all the young women out there, there are going to be people along the way who will try to say, 'Hey, maybe wait until the camera's not on you before you go digging in your bag." But if you just focus and don’t let those people sidetrack you, someday you'll find your ChapStick."
There's no excuse for drinking from a water bottle at this moment. Well, unless he was prepping to do a spit-take in case he beat "Uptown Funk.&q...
There's no excuse for drinking from a water bottle at this moment. Well, unless he was prepping to do a spit-take in case he beat "Uptown Funk." That would've been a real #GrammyMoment.
No matter how much I tried to hold a picture frame up to the screen, it didn't cut to Cam and Mitchell smiling, holding up a photo of this living nigh...
No matter how much I tried to hold a picture frame up to the screen, it didn't cut to Cam and Mitchell smiling, holding up a photo of this living nightmare.