Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg’s Hulu comedy pilot Future Man just added another star to its cast. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Happy Endings and Benched alum Eliza Coupe has signed on to star in the pilot, joining previously announced star Josh Hutcherson. The pilot centers on Josh Futterman (Hutcherson), “a janitor by day, world-ranked gamer by night who is tasked with preventing the extinction of humans after mysterious visitors from the future declare him to be the key to defeating the imminent super-race invasion.” Coupe will play Tiger – here’s more on the character from THR:
Coupe will star as the female lead, Tiger, a futuristic solder who is a character in the Cybergeddon video game. Tiger and her cohort, Wolf, recruit Josh to travel back in time to save the world from the hellish landscape she left behind. This mission means everything to her, and she’s prone to flying off the handle, every time Josh proves himself to be inept. She has the difficult task of controlling an idiot (Josh) and a maniac (Wolf) while keeping everyone focused on the mission. On top of all of this, she’s hiding a secret that could unravel everything.