Matt LeBlanc is saying “How you doin’?” to a brand-new gig, as the BBC announced on Thursday that the former Friends star will join Chris Evans (not that one) as one of the new hosts of its popular car show Top Gear, which saw presenter Jeremy Clarkson leave last year after punching a producer. Though his character was relegated to the C-plot of the show’s iconic London arc, LeBlanc has spent his post-Friends career enjoying a special relationship with Britain: His Showtime sitcom Episodes was until recently a BBC Two co-production, and he set the record for the “Star in a Reasonably Priced Car” segment in the old Top Gear. “As a car nut and a massive fan of Top Gear, I’m honoured and excited to be a part of this iconic show’s new chapter,” the BBC reported LeBlanc as saying, but you gotta bet that’s not really how he said honored.