Kevin Hart is writing a memoir called From the Hart, the New York Times reports. The book will reportedly explore the comedian’s “childhood in Philadelphia with a drug-addicted father, and the struggles he faced when he first tried to break into stand-up,” which sounds like a gripping read, but also let’s back up to the part where Kevin Hart named his book From the Hart. Let that sink in. KEVIN HART NAMED HIS BOOK FROM THE HART. Clearly, Kevin Hart put about as much thought into naming his book as most people do into choosing a pair of socks. If he’s truly committed to doing the pun-on-his-name thing — which, knowing celebrity memoirs, we have to believe he is — here are a few dozen more titles he should have considered instead:
Kevin Can Wait
Just Like Kevin
Kevin in Your Eyes
Unbreak My Hart
The Closest Thing to Kevin
My Achy-Braky Hart
Kevinly Creatures
Knocking on Kevin’s Door
Hart Murmurs
Seventh Kevin
Tears in Kevin
A Guide to Balancing Hart and Commerce
The Tell-Tale Hart
Kevin’s Gate
For Kevin’s Sake
A Little Piece of Kevin
Between the Rock and Hart Place
Kevin Is a Person on Earth
All That Kevin Allows
It Is Harder for a Camel to Pass Through the Eye of a Needle Than for a Rich Man to Enter the Kingdom of Kevin
Kevin Forbid
What the Hart Wants
Furious Kevin
Kevin’s Deadly Sins
Kevin’s Wonders of the World
The Kevin Year Itch
We Need to Talk About Kevin Hart
Did It Hart When You Fell From Kevin