don't vote for trump

Louis C.K. Begs You Not to Vote For Trump/Hitler (But Please Watch Horace and Pete)

It was an email blast that started it all: In a mass email whose ostensible purpose concerns convincing readers to watch the sixth episode of Horace and Pete, comedian-cum-genius Louis C.K. wrote what might be the best piece of performance art decrying Donald Trump/Donald Drumpf yet. At the end of the unwaveringly affable email, Louis C.K. adds a 1,413-word plea for conservatives to not vote for Trump, which is probably more effective than giving Trumps AIDS in a movie.

Okay. I’m going back to bed. My kids don’t get here for another hour.

Thanks again. 

Louis CK

P.S.  Please stop it with voting for Trump. It was funny for a little while. But the guy is Hitler. And by that I mean that we are being Germany in the 30s. Do you think they saw the shit coming? Hitler was just some hilarious and refreshing dude with a weird comb over who would say anything at all.  

C.K. has perfected the art of feigning apathy to scathing deadpan affect. Even the “P.S.” is a passive but acerbic way of introducing the actual purpose of the email. He covers all his bases, too:

And I’m not advocating for Hillary or Bernie. I like them both but frankly I wish the next president was a conservative only because we had Obama for eight years and we need balance. And not because I particularly enjoy the conservative agenda. I just think the government should reflect the people. And we are about 40 percent conservative and 40 percent liberal. When I was growing up and when I was a younger man, liberals and conservatives were friends with differences. They weren’t enemies. And it always made sense that everyone gets a president they like for a while and then hates the president for a while. But it only works if the conservatives put up a good candidate. A good smart conservative to face the liberal candidate so they can have a good argument and the country can decide which way to go this time.  

Trump is not that. He’s an insane bigot. He is dangerous.  

If you are a true conservative. Don’t vote for Trump. He is not one of you. He is one of him. Everything you have heard him say that you liked, if you look hard enough you will see that he one day said the exact opposite. He is playing you. 

The email ends with his signature self-deprecation:

That’s just my view. At least right now. I know I’m not qualified or particularly educated and I’m not right instead of you. I’m an idiot and I’m sure a bunch of you are very annoyed by this. Fucking celebrity with an opinion. I swear this isn’t really a political opinion. You don’t want to know my political opinions.   (And I know that I’m only bringing myself trouble with this shit.) Trump has nothing to do with politics or ideology. He has to do with himself. And really I don’t mean to insult anyone. Except Trump. I mean to insult him very much. And really I’m not saying he’s evil or a monster. In fact I don’t think Hitler was. The problem with saying that guys like that are monsters is that we don’t see them coming when they turn out to be human, which they all are. Everyone is. Trump is a messed up guy with a hole in his heart that he tries to fill with money and attention. He can never ever have enough of either and he’ll never stop trying. He’s sick. Which makes him really really interesting. And he pulls you towards him which somehow feels good or fascinatingly bad. He’s not a monster. He’s a sad man. But all this makes him horribly dangerous if he becomes president. Give him another TV show. Let him pay to put his name on buildings. But please stop voting for him. And please watch Horace and Pete. [sic]

To summarize: Don’t vote for Trump, and watch Horace and Pete.

Louis C.K. Begs You Not to Vote For Trump/Hitler