Though almost all of Stars Hollow has assembled for Netflix’s Gilmore Girls revival, Sookie St. James won’t be joining them to cater the town’s unbearably quirky seasonal festivals. “I think they thought I was busy,” Melissa McCarthy told E!, explaining why she was never asked back to play the cheery chef. “And then by the time it did come up, then I actually was.” Still, McCarthy, who’s busy promoting The Boss and has Ghostbusters opening later this year, wishes the best to the rest of the Gilmore crew. “I’m actually thrilled that it’s happening,” she said. “I loved that show, and I think the fans for that show are super loyal and great and I will watch every single one of them.” McCarthy added that she’d be happy to return if the revival gets another season, when Sookie could return from busting ghosts — or, more likely, on an extended trip to the U.K.