The nascent DC Extended Universe doesn’t have much of a comedic track record. Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice are about as hilarious as a bag of puppies being thrown in a river while Batman yells at them about his parents’ murder. But ever since Warner Bros. released its delightful, Queen-soundtracked trailer for Suicide Squad in January, hopes have run high that this August’s DC Comics–inspired outing might mix a hearty amount of mirth with its mayhem. Apparently, that was not the case until recently. Birth.Movies.Death heard from anonymous sources that the studio ordered up millions of dollars’ worth of reshoots after the trailer came out, specifically to make the movie funnier. The report says that doesn’t mean “inserting jokes left and right,” but instead “beefing up fun character moments and interactions.” The reshoots have the added benefit of giving Jared Leto more opportunities to terrorize his co-workers.
Update: Director David Ayer shot down the rumors in a tweet on April 11: