Let’s check on Miles Teller, who was last seen competing with Hollywood’s best and doughiest for the coveted role of Han Solo. Teller seems to have lost out to a bunch of hunky human anagrams, though, of course, anything could happen. So until we know about Solo, let us revel in Teller’s description of his audition, as told to Happy Sad Confused podcast (via Collider):
I had never even seen any of the original Star Wars movies until maybe a month or a couple weeks before my first audition because I was like, “I should check this out” [laughs]. It holds up. I just love Harrison Ford, I think that’s a great character. I love his brand, I mean so many guys would’ve played that part so wrong and he has humor at the right times. Harrison Ford is a very big actor, when you see the facial expressions and the things he does he goes big, but he’s just always the coolest guy in the room and he’s got all of those great qualities.
That is some mighty delicate praise from someone who’s ostensibly in the running to helm one of the biggest film franchises in human history. But no matter, if his Solo isn’t Disney’s tempo, Teller will surely get other offers. That’s just what happens. He’ll find another franchises, give a few more ridiculous profiles, let those YA movie-ready abs find a comfortable convexity, and settle into all the roles Jeremy Renner left behind.