Now that a Gilmore Girls revival is coming to Netflix, some may be wondering if a Bunheads revival could come next, especially since creator Amy Sherman-Palladino has been hanging with two previous b-heads, Kelly Bishop and Sutton Foster, on the set of GG. But she reminds us, via Entertainment Weekly, “[Bunheads] didn’t have the time to build a fan base, and I don’t know that it exists anywhere.” After all, the show was canceled after one season and can’t currently be found on a single streaming service, which seems crazy. Sherman-Palladino added, “Look, in a heartbeat if they wanted to do something like that. Just to sit in a room with Sutton Foster, I’d do in a second.” We’re not sure who she’s referring to when she says “they.” Maybe Netflix, maybe the Bunheads themselves. And while we wholeheartedly support anything Amy wants to do, it doesn’t exactly sound like this is gonna be in the works anytime soon. Damn. But, uh. Something to think about?