Dave Franco, one of a college-lacrosse team-sized set of indistinguishable white hunks who are all in the running to play a Young Han Solo, would like you to know that it’s really weird to audition for the part of Han Solo. “I’m not good with impressions,” Franco told MTV News about the experience. “I think that’s the reason it’s so hard to cast this role, too. It’s like, do they want to like perfectly embody who Harrison Ford is, or do they want to go a completely different route? Do they want someone to look really similar him? So, I don’t know, I think they’re struggling with that, maybe.”
Currently, rumor has it that Alden Ehrenreich of Hail, Caesar! is the front-runner for the role, though Brooklyn’s Emory Cohen, Kingsman’s Taron Egerton, and Transformers: Age of Extinction’s Jack Reynor were also on the short list. Will Dave Franco get the part? “I don’t want to underplay it,” he told MTV News. “I’m very flattered to have been or to be whatever, wherever they are in the conversation, but, like, it is what it is.” This sounds like a concession speech, unless Franco’s trying to do an end-run around Disney’s press and impress them with his Han Solo–like ballsiness. What a rogue.