Jeffrey Dean Morgan sure is busy on Sunday nights. His diabolical character Negan was introduced in the season finale of The Walking Dead, but he’s also simultaneously playing Jason Crouse, Alicia’s love interest on The Good Wife.
Upon a cursory inspection it seems like the two guys couldn’t be more different. Negan gives a masterful soliloquy about the new world order as soon as we meet him, whereas Jason hasn’t even spoken 25 words since his character was introduced earlier this season. Jason has an incredibly sexy way of taking off his glasses, and Negan doesn’t need any eyewear.
But what if Jason is the Clark Kent to Negan’s Superman, and the glasses are his disguise? If The Walking Dead is taking place in the future, couldn’t Negan actually be the man we know as Jason Crouse, transfigured by all the zombies he’s had to kill? Has anyone seen these two guys in the same place? Here is some evidence that proves Negan and Jason may actually be the same person.
Negan: Wears a rumpled but stylish leather jacket.
Jason: Wears a rumpled but stylish leather jacket.
Negan: His macho power emanates from his beard.
Jason: His macho power emanates from his beard.
Negan: Is trying to make Rick Grimes get his pants wet with fear kneeling in public.
Jason: Is trying to make Alicia Florrick get her pants wet with desire sitting in public.
Negan: Rick Grimes wants to kill him.
Jason: Peter Florrick wants to kill him.
Negan: Does not back down from threats by powerful men like Rick Grimes.
Jason: Does not back down from threats by powerful men like Peter Florrick.
Negan: Uncomfortable around Rick’s teenage son, Carl.
Jason: Uncomfortable around Alicia’s teenage daughter, Grace.
Negan: Wants to have everyone working for him because he doesn’t like having a boss.
Jason: Doesn’t want to take a full-time job because he doesn’t like having a boss.
Negan: Uses intelligence and investigation to destroy his enemy in battle.
Jason: Uses intelligence and investigation to help Lockhart, Agos, and Lee destroy their enemies in court.
Negan: Might snap at any moment and kill someone who disagrees with him.
Jason: Might snap at any moment and once beat up a judge who disagreed with him.
Negan: Has a smile that hides intense desire (for murder).
Jason: Has a smile that hides intense desire (for sex dates with Alicia).
Negan: Is in love with a lady named Lucille.
Jason: Is in love with a lady named Alicia.