coachella 2016

Rihanna Performed With Calvin Harris at Coachella to the Absolute Delight of Taylor Swift’s Squad

When you’re a newly minted Bleachella Queen and your “magical” boyfriend’s headlining the festival’s final night (a slot you’ve deserved longer than him, ahem), there’s only one way to react: total pandemonium. And when you’re Taylor Swift, you do it with at least one-third of your girl gang at your side. Thus was the scene Sunday night at Coachella, where Calvin Harris brought his blinding light show (seriously, the front row wore sunglasses) and DJ skills for the festival’s finale. Oh yes, and Rihanna. When she wasn’t busying having Leonardo DiCaprio whisper sweet nothings into her ear, Rih and her multi-pattern uniform surprised Coachella with a performance of “We Found Love.” It was a moment Taylor Swift swears she’ll never forget, and not just because she has the Instagram memory of her, Lorde, HAIM, Camila Cabello, and Serayah raving to it.

You know how else we know Tay’s good at remembering things? She’s still dancing like no one’s watching to Jimmy Eat World’s “The Middle,” just like she apparently did in middle school. (Or so Apple Music would have you believe.) Oh Taylor, won’t you please teach us your Cool Girl ways while on hiatus? We beg you.

Rihanna Surprised Coachella With Calvin Harris