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Robert Downey Jr. Is Now Okay With Taking Giant Bags of Money for Iron Man 4

Iron Man 3.

Superhero series — do they ever end? Not yet, they don’t. Even the ones you might have thought had been wrapped up, like the Iron Man series, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, will go on forever until they pass into folklore, your children’s children’s children entertaining their robot friends with the legend of noble inventor Tony Stark ‘round the campfires of New New Jersey. Back in 2014, Robert Downey Jr. revealed that there were no plans for a fourth stand-alone Iron Man film, admitting, “There isn’t one in the pipe.” But now, it appears he may have changed his tune. In ABC News’ behind-the-scenes look at Captain America: Civil War, Downey says he’s thinking about another Iron Man film: “I feel like I could do one more.” Regardless of whether or not this ends up happening — Marvel’s schedule is booked pretty solid for the next few years, though what’s one more superhero film on the pile? — Downey is already set for appearances in the forthcoming Spider-Man: Homecoming and both parts of Avengers: Infinity War, at which point he will have played Tony Stark for 11 years, in ten different films. A literal iron man!

Robert Downey Jr. Is Now Okay With an Iron Man 4