Tom Green Looks Back on His KFC Museum Visit in This ‘Coming to the Stage’ Sneak Peek

Comedy Dynamics is back with a new season of its standup show Coming to the Stage next month with host Tom Green, and they gave us a sneak peek today featuring Green looking back on his visit to the KFC Museum in Louisville, Kentucky, where he was unable to visit Colonel Sanders’s grave because “it’s been closed since 9/11 for security reasons.” In addition to Green, the series will feature up-and-coming comics like Caleb Synan, Dave Ross, Jamel Johnson, Jared Moskowitz, Kevin Christy, Liz Miele, Matthew Broussard, Miles K, Mo Welch, Nick Youssef, Paige Weldon, and Travis Howze and debuts on VOD platforms like Hulu, Roku, and Amazon on Friday, May 20th.

Tom Green Looks Back on His KFC Museum Visit in This […]