Wow, is anybody less chill than you when it comes to Hamilton? You might be thinking “yes,” but let me stop you right there and tell you that, no — nobody is less chill than you when it comes to Hamilton. Case in point, according to the Associated Press, you have already purchased all of the copies of Hamilton: The Revolution — a hardcover book with “the libretto and photographs and accounts of the show’s creation” that was published on Tuesday — available on Amazon.com, a popular online retailer. It’s Amazon’s best-selling book now, I’ll have you know.
Now anybody slightly more chill than you about Hamilton has to wait nine to twelve days for a copy of that book. Damn. What if they needed it for a gift? And guess what else: According to Grand Central Publishing spokesman Jimmy Franco (“Jimmy”) (haha) (Jimmy “Don’t Call Me James” Franco), the book, allegedly affectionately known as “Hamiltome,” is already going into its third printing.
Anyway. Don’t you wish you thought of Hamilton? You’d be doing great.