When you’re angry in elementary school, they tell you to imagine blowing all your feelings into a big balloon, and then watching that balloon float up into the sky where it can’t hurt anyone. The Carters seem to have the same approach to their (possible) marital strife, except their feelings go into albums, which millions of people download — though sometimes they float off to places where no one can hear them, too. According to Us Weekly, Jay Z “is working on an album telling his side of things” in response to Beyoncé’s Lemonade, which seems to call out Jay for his infidelity. By “working,” one assumes that Jay’s just now bought a leather writer’s notebook and he’s really excited to get down all the comebacks he could have used when he first saw his wife’s HBO special. That, or the two-album release is just a plan to soak all of us suckers for cash. Yeah, it’s probably the second thing.