Alfred Pennyworth may be Bruce Wayne’s forever-loyal butler and best friend, but Jeremy Irons is not Alfred Pennyworth. Irons, one of the great actors of the last 40 years (remember that time he played twin gynecologists in David Cronenberg’s lugubrious Dead Ringers?), and one of the few things we liked about Batman v Superman, did not jump up to defend Zack Snyder’s maligned movie while speaking with The Daily Mail. When the Mail mentions the “kicking” the film received from critics, Irons says, “Deservedly so. I mean it took £800 million, so the kicking didn’t matter but it was sort of overstuffed …” He goes on: “‘It was very muddled. I think the next one will be simpler. The script is certainly a lot smaller, it’s more linear … I’m tied into The Batman at the minute, which is nice because it’s a bit of income … not that I need a bit of an income …” Irons also goes on to say that he has no interest in knighthood because he doesn’t need more money and fame. That’s what Batman v Superman is for.