Leave it to Against Me! frontwoman Laura Jane Grace to come up with a trailblazing way to protest North Carolina’s anti-LGBTQ bathroom bill. When Grace, who is transgender, announced that she and her band would follow through with their show in Durham on Sunday night “as a form of protest” rather than boycott, no one could have predicted it would be literally fiery. In a deeply symbolic point of activism, Grace burned her birth certificate with her assigned sex and male birth name on stage, shouting, “Good-bye gender!” and later, over on her Instagram, “BURN GENDER BURN! GENDER INFERNO!!!!” She also rewrote the bill on a toilet paper roll with more, shall we say, frank language: “Hate hate hate hate hate.” The Department of Justice recently declared HB2 in violation of the Civil Rights Act; North Carolina and the DOJ are currently suing each other.