
The Stone Roses Still Want to Be Adored, Release Their First New Songs in 20 Years

The Stone Roses Posed In London
Photo: Mike Prior/1990 Mike Prior

Can you believe it’s been two decades since the Stone Roses released new music? Well, excellent news you no longer have to nostalgically play “I Wanna Be Adored” on loop, because the seminal Brit rockers have blessed us with two new tracks. The electrifying “All for One” premiered last month on Annie Mac’s BBC Radio 1 show, while the new seven-minute jam “Beautiful Thing” was released on the band’s Vevo channel earlier this week. There’s a solid chance an album will follow in the coming months, too. Listen to both songs below, and stay alert for fellow Mancunian Noel Gallagher’s reaction.

Listen to the New Stone Roses Song