Marvel’s good at a lot of things, but preventing casting rumors from leaking is generally not one of them. For example: People already suspected that next year’s third Thor adventure, Thor: Ragnarok, would feature Cate Blanchett as underworld-ruler Hela, Tessa Thompson as the valorous cosmic warrior Valkyrie, and Mark Ruffalo returning as the jolly green Hulk. Marvel simply confirmed that scuttlebutt today, but in their announcement, they also surprised us with the news that the movie will also feature Karl Urban and everyone’s favorite hot Jew dad, Jeff Goldblum! Urban will be playing Skurge (a villainous Asgardian god in Marvel’s comics), and Goldblum will be playing the Grandmaster (a scheming intergalactic heavyweight who loves causing mischief by pitting people in life-and-death games). It may seem weird to have nebbishy ol’ Jeff in such an cosmic role, but let’s not forget that he’s already been to space at least twice.