Bryan Cranston, he of Breaking Bad and Argo, has finally been cast in a part worthy of his talent: Zordon. For those somehow unfamiliar with the seminal ’90s classic Power Rangers, Zordon is an ancient, floating bald head that recruits unsuspecting teenagers with cool weapons and even-cooler colored full-body suits. In return for the awesome gear, the teens — a.k.a. power rangers — fight against his arch nemesis, Rita (the always-menacing Elizabeth Banks). Also, Rita was locked in a dumpster on the moon for several millennia, so she deserves to be mean. In an addition to needing an excuse to shave his head again, Cranston was drawn to the project because he supplied the voices to several of the monsters in the original franchise. Everyone on set loved Cranston so much that the Blue Ranger was actually named “Billy Cranston” after the actor. It should be noted, however, that the Blue Ranger was totally dweeby and no one wanted to be him on the playground.