David Letterman, who defined a certain kind of comedy on The Late Show and whose post-Late Show beard has redefined the word “retirement,” has really and fully checked out of the rat race. In an interview with Tom Brokaw, which will air on NBC on June 12, Letterman maintains that he doesn’t miss being on late-night TV. “It’s interesting,” Letterman said. “I thought for sure I would. And then, the first day of Stephen’s show when he went on the air — an energy left me and I felt like, ‘You know, that’s not my problem anymore.’” Letterman added that he’s devoted his free time to other aspects of his life. “I couldn’t care less about late-night television,” he said. “I’m happy for the guys — men and women — there should be more women. And I don’t know why they didn’t give my show to a woman. That would have been fine.” Letterman clarified that CBS didn’t ask for input on his replacement, which ended up being Stephen Colbert, who has struggled in the ratings. “No, they didn’t ask me about anything,” he said. “They were just … they were just happy I was going.”