Orange Is the New Black’s Samira Wiley (Poussey) is heading from the actual prison of prison to the metaphorical prison of being a cool, young person in L.A. Wiley has signed on to play a therapist in the third season of You’re the Worst. Her character, Justina, will help Gretchen (Aya Cash) “dip her toe into the waters of mental health,” all while dealing with problems of her own: An “unambitious boyfriend and thirsty need to Foursquare her every move.” The casting marks a reunion between Wiley and You’re the Worst creator Stephen Falk, who wrote Poussey’s first backstory episode, “You Also Have a Pizza,” when he worked on Orange Is the New Black. The five-episode gig is Wiley’s first major role after joining the cast of Orange Is the New Black. Once you’ve finished watching this season — seriously, spoilers ahead — read Vulture’s interview with Wiley here.