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Tom Hiddleston Throws Another Hitch in James Bond Rumor Mill, Says ‘That Announcement Probably Isn’t Coming’

One day, someone is going to write the story of Tom Hiddleston and the James Bond casting rumor that would not die, and it’s going to be a long one. A saga. An epic. A real biggie. The latest twist in the tale comes from Hiddleston himself, who told a bunch of fans at Wizard World Comic Con over the weekend, “I’m sorry to disappoint you, everybody. I don’t think that announcement is coming.” He added, “There’s not much that I can say that I haven’t already said … Your guess is as good as mine, to be honest.” Sure, Hiddleston has hedged on the subject before, but that was between his expressing interest in the role and The Secret-affirming talk that he was being seriously considered. Man, whatever negotiations have gone down around this Bond business have certainly not been … Loki.

Tom Hiddleston: Bond Announcement ‘Isn’t Coming’