Well, it looks like that long-awaited new Usher album might finally materialize after all. Since releasing 2012’s electro-R&B favoring, aptly titled Looking 4 Myself, he’s dropped a handful of songs (including 2014’s underrated “Good Kisser”), but no album. Last we heard from Usher, he partnered with Tidal and put out his most political song to date, 2015’s “Chains,” protesting police brutality. But if you were expecting Usher to go full What’s Going On on his next album, not so fast. He’s now returned with two new songs out of nowhere after announcing his still release-date-less new LP Flawed back in January. The first, “No Limit,” features Young Thug and can only be heard on Tidal for now. It’s the decidedly raunchier of the two, with Usher promising to “give you that ghetto D, baby” — just what everyone wants to hear on their way to the bedroom! The second, “Crash,” is the highlight of the pair and the one that’ll most likely get the most radio play. It’s a mid-tempo love song coated in sap, but that falsetto and soaring high notes are just classic Ursher.