Chris Hemsworth, god of thunder, buster of ghosts, haver of abs, master of pull-ups, hacker of computers, father of Chris Pine in that one Star Trek movie, joker of jokes, wooer of Natalie Portman in those two Thor movies — yes, he of the blonde hair, the muscles, the six-foot-three height, the kindness, the being Australian, the sometimes being confused for Channing Tatum by my mom even though they are clearly very different people, mom — he, indeed he, the one, the only, Chris Hemsworth said in an interview with Australian radio hosts Fitzy and Wippa that Tom Hiddleston and his romantic companion, American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift, have a relationship that is suitable. Quoth Hemsworth:
“He looks happy, mate. You know, yeah!”
And it was good.
People also reports that Hemsworth took Tom, Taylor, and Mark Ruffalo to a screening of Ghostbusters sometime after this interview took place. We assume they laughed.