Remember how the Divergent film series debuted in 2014 right as the YA movie craze was dying out, and you were like, “Really? Now?” And how each successive film in the franchise has performed worse than the one before it both critically and financially? And how Miles Teller told W Magazine two years ago that he “took the movie for business reasons,” and that he felt “dead inside” while filming the first installment and called his agent to say, “this sucks” because he “didn’t have an interesting part”? And finally, do you remember thinking, “Why are they doing a fourth movie?” after Allegiant came out in March and no one saw it or cared? Well it looks like Lionsgate remembers all those things, too, because Variety is reporting that the final film in the series, Ascendant, will be moved from a theatrical to a small-screen release and spun off into a TV series on an unknown network with an unknown cast. Somewhere in the hills of Hollywood, Shailene Woodley is covered in clay and homemade toothpaste, thanking mother Gaia for breaking these contractual chains. Aloha, Shai Shai.