Technically, we won’t know for certain if the curse against Kevin Durant has truly been lifted until next year. But as we await such a miracle, it’s up to Lil B to assure us that his generous decree won’t be denied. After announcing that the Based God had finally uncursed Kevin Durant following the NBA star’s signing with Lil B’s hometeam, the Golden State Warriors, Lil B is now explaining why the timing was right. Turns out, after watching Durant’s hopes and dreams slip away from him year after year, the Based God’s work was simply done. Lil B explains to the Undefeated:
“The curse had to be removed for the simple fact that Kevin Durant has shown his humility by coming to the Warriors. Me being Lil B, I really feel like The Based God did it because The Based God is humble and very empathetic. Just from what I’ve seen, Kevin Durant has shown that he wants change. I was always just protecting The Based God. The Based God said the curse is over, so the curse is officially over. As for a sorry, I don’t need one. I think Kevin Durant has shown where his heart is. And his heart is in the Bay Area.”
As for Lil B’s reasoning, well, dude just wants that one-on-one game he challenged Durant to years ago — the catalyst in this unholy war. “Our one-on-one game still has to happen. I think it’s for the love of the sport,” he says. “The world wants to see it — hundreds of thousands, millions of people. They want to know what would happen with this game. They’re obviously interested.” So it was written, and so it shall be done.