Unconvinced Macklemore is determined to use all that white privilege that burdens him so for good? Turn your ears to his latest attempt at social justice: a diss track aimed at Donald Trump. YG has recruited hip-hop’s white representatives, Macklemore and G-Eazy, for a sequel to his seething Trump indictment “FDT” — a song so brazy, the FBI intervened on the original. Turns out, Macklemore and G-Eazy are even more merciless. “If truth be told, Donald is a terrorist,” G-Eazy raps, shortly before implying he’d have sex with Trump’s daughter Ivanka. Not outraged yet? In swoops Macklemore, comparing Trump to an orange Starburst, blasting gun violence, and saying he’ll party in the streets if Hillary Clinton wins. “Ain’t gonna let you fuck up four years,” he threatens.
Even YG comes through with a new verse, partly to get ahead of the inevitable criticism he’ll receive for letting two white rappers onto one of the blackest records of the year. “Thought I was makin’ songs just to ride to? / But come to find out your own kind don’t even like you / Macklemore don’t like you, G-Eazy don’t like you,” he taunts. His point: The government can silence YG, but what happens when he passes his white peers the mic?