What’s that unearthly scream? Oh, it’s just you responding to Ray Parker Jr.’s reaction to Fall Out Boy’s new Ghostbusters theme (which, as you might recall, is terrible). Parker, the Grammy-winning artist who performed the much-beloved original Ghostbusters song, told Inside Edition that you don’t have to wait until there’s an invisible man sleeping in your bed to call him. “I’m not going to say it’s good or bad. I’m just going to say, well, maybe I’m an old guy now, and I like it the old way,” he opined. “I wish they had called me to maybe work with some of the younger guys and help them get a direction.” Interesting trivia fact: All the ghosts in the inevitable Ghostbusters sequel will be people who passed away after reading the phrase, “I wish they had called me.” It’s going to really cut down on production costs.