What’ll you do when you get lonely, and nobody’s waiting by your side? Travel to Iceland and catch some salmon, obviously. That’s what rock legend Eric Clapton decided to do, anyway, when he embarked on a fly-fishing trip to the Nordic country last week and reeled in a massive 28-pound, 42.5-inch salmon on the Vatnsdalsá River. Accompanied by a local guide, Clapton’s catch — which required him to rigorously “run fast down the river” for two and a half hours, and potentially move like the sea as well — measured to be the “biggest salmon this year.” Although he couldn’t keep the salmon (the Vatnsdalsá has a strict catch-and-release policy), Clapton got to celebrate and pose with the ray-finned fish for a few minutes, and the photo is truly a sight to be seen. Proud angler alert!