If you were a child of PBS, you’ve probably been scolded while watching Arthur. Well, feel the flame of déjà vu kindling, because WGBH, the station behind Arthur, would like to have a word with you about some of your recent behavior. Thanks to a particularly potent meme of Arthur’s fist and a subsequent #ArthurMemes movement, the longtime Tumblr-beloved show has garnered extra attention of late as the means of expressing the frustration of a weary people. WGBH is cool with that — just so long as the content creators keep it clean.
Commenting on the phenomenon’s proclivity toward some adult themes, a WGBH spokesperson said: “We appreciate the memes that have been created and shared in good fun … We are, however, disappointed by the few that are outside of good taste.” It’s not a matter of policing your memes, says WGBH, so much as it’s about remembering that Arthur is a show for children. The spokesperson’s statement continues, saying that while the station is “lucky to have a fan base that is so engaged with Arthur, especially those millennials who grew up with him,” it wants “that Arthur and his friends will be depicted in a way that is respectful and appropriate for all audiences, including young Arthur fans and their families.” So never mind that young kids should be searching for a certain aardvark at the beginning of the dictionary and off of Twitter. You see, WGBH isn’t mad at you — just disappointed.