Maya Rudolph has joined Life of the Party, Melissa McCarthy’s back-to-school comedy that’s slated for a spring 2018 release. Directed by McCarthy’s husband, Ben Falcone (Bridesmaids), the film follows an aging partier – McCarthy – who can’t let go of the good times, following her daughter (Animal Kingdom’s Molly Gordon) to college to prove she’s still got it. Rudolph, on break from the acclaimed first season of Maya and Marty, will star as McCarthy’s straitlaced BFF; Gillian Jacobs (Love, Community) is already attached, stepping into the role of a sorority sister. The rest of the cast is still TBD, but with comedy casting genius Allison Jones (Brooklyn Nine Nine, Parks and Recreation, Veep, Arrested Development, The Office, Bridesmaids, Superbad, and just about everything else you’ve ever loved) heading up the production, we can’t wait to see who else joins the party.