After Frank Ocean dropped the visual album Endless on Thursday night, betting folk might’ve expected the notoriously measured artist to take a breather. Well, Ocean’s reportedly on a roll and rearing to make good on years of broken promises. According to Rolling Stone, Ocean will release Boys Don’t Cry this weekend. For those of you feeling bamboozled by the onslaught (and still confused as to why Ocean built a staircase and where that thing leads), Boys Don’t Cry is the album we all thought we were getting when Ocean threw a curve ball with Endless. Rolling Stone also says it’s confirmed that Boys Don’t Cry and Endless are totally separate projects, though it’s still unclear if Boys Don’t Cry is linked to the music playing during Ocean’s web stream. Oh, and for just one more wrinkle to the tale, RS says Boys Don’t Cry isn’t actually called that anymore, because “the singer has scrapped that title in favor of an alternate title.” So, we’re supposedly getting The Album Formerly Known as Boys Don’t Cry this weekend, and while it looks like maybe, just maybe, boys can cry after all, here’s hoping Ocean can’t cry wolf.
This post has been updated throughout.