Because film and television producers are just so obsessed with reboots, sequels, and adapting preexisting material, NBC is developing a show about the story of Noah’s Ark — except, twist, it will be set in the present day and in space. Deadline is reporting that “The Ark originated at 20th TV’s cable division Fox 21 TV Studios,” when we all know it originated in the Book of Genesis. (Nice try, guys, but we’re paying too much attention to miss that one.) It will be produced by Robert Zemeckis, and the story will focus on an engineer who has a vision after the death of his wife in which he constructs a ship capable of taking humans to space and sustaining life. And, in case you hadn’t heard, the vision foreshadows the end of the world. Upon noticing this, “the engineer realizes there may be a larger story at play.” You don’t say.