Move over Batman, there’s a new team of vigilantes fighting for DC Comics’ universe — no, not Suicide Squad, it’s Suicide Squad’s internet fans. On Tuesday, comic-book enthusiasts banned together to sign a petition against Rotten Tomatoes after the review aggregator posted a mere 36 percent approval rating of the movie. This approval rating, or “tomatometer” means that, of the 64 reviews currently collected by the site, only that percentage of critics gave it a positive response. It should be noted that the reviews gathered come from widely read publications and media outlets, and are not just generated by some dude sitting behind a computer who calls himself “Rotten Tom Ato.”
Despite the negative rating not necessarily being a reflection of that website’s opinion of the film, one fan, Abdullah Coldwater of Alexandria, Egypt, took to Change.org to demand Rotten Tomatoes end its review-sharing ways. The petition is short and direct: “We need this site to be shut down, because it’s [sic] critics always give the DC Extended Universe movies unjust bad reviews,” and adding, “that affects people’s opinion even if it’s a really great movies [sic].” As of this post being published, 4,874 caped-by-internet-anonymity crusaders have signed the petition in defense of the film that has not yet opened to the general public.