Today Henry Cavill, the latest tall drink of water to play the Man of Steel, released a picture on Instagram of what appears to be ornate black armor with the hashtag “Superman.” While this could be some sort of elaborate hoodwink, it stands to reason that Clark Kent probably has a new look in the upcoming Justice League.
The clues regarding this dapper change seem to lead to one conclusion — the movie will likely be based on the multi-story comic book arc The Death and Return of Superman from the ’90s, in which our hero was killed by Doomsday, only to then come back to life with a brand-new fashion sense. If you’re not a comic-book fan and part of that plot sounds familiar, congratulations! You were one of the millions willing to ignore critics. Still, there are alternate theories out there for why he would be wearing black, including:
He could actually be a more sinister version of Superman who also wore black in the Darkseid comics (pronounced “Darkside”), which ran just a couple of years back.
Superman might actually be dead and that was the most respectful outfit Wonder Woman and Batman could come up with for funeral clothes.
He wants to look more like his buddy, Batman, even if that buddy spent an excruciatingly long movie trying to kill him.
Warner Bros. surveys confirmed that their target audience of males between 18 and 36 think black is a” killer” look for Superman, admitting they’d be more likely to buy his action figure if he wasn’t wearing red. In fact, this ’gram was just an elaborate ruse set up by the corporate puppet-masters to see just how marketable that is. Now that they know there’s such a thing as a Death and Return of Superman story arc, they’re going to rewrite the Justice League movie pronto.
He heard black was slimming.