Frequent HuffPo contributor Barbra Streisand has descended from her mansion where she hangs out with movie stars to blog with the rest of us once again. This time, she’s blogging about Donald Trump in the Huffington Post, where celebrities are wont to share their feelings. The piece is a thorough analysis of Trump’s failures, with lines like, “When a politician ends almost every sentence with ‘believe me’ … don’t!” and “he has the nerve to call [Hillary Clinton] ‘trigger-happy’? ‘Unstable’? His ignorance is astounding” that you can just hear in Babs’s voice. This is far from the first time Streisand has gotten political: she’s also raised money for Hillary Clinton at various fundraisers and performed her very own Trump-ified version of “Send in the Clowns.” Actually, we’d like to request that the Clinton campaign get rid of “Fight Song” and use this as their official song.