The Harajuku Girls live on. Gwen Stefani is producing a new animated children’s show with Nickelodeon, titled Kuu Kuu Harajuku, which revolves around Japanese street culture. The 26-episode series will trace “the musical adventures of girl group HG5, comprised of Love, Angel, Music, Baby, and their leader G” while creatures such as aliens, politicians, and monster pets continuously attempt to foil HG5’s concerts, forcing the girls to “outdo them to perform.” Stefani’s penchant for Japanese culture — specifically the youth- and fashion-centric Harajuku district in Tokyo — has been well documented; in 2004, her debut album, Love. Angel. Music. Baby., introduced the four Harajuku Girls in numerous songs (most prevalently, the titular “Harajuku Girls” and “What You Waiting For?“), and her fashion line, L.A.M.B., is heavily inspired by Japanese street style. “It’s been incredible to see the Harajuku Girls and the world they live in come to life,” Stefani said in a statement. “The artwork is so beautiful and the whole series turned out better than I could have ever imagined. I love that this is an animated series for young girls that celebrates creativity, imagination and individuality.” The show is set to premiere on Nickelodeon on October 3.