murder he wrote

James Patterson Has Decided Not to Publish The Murder of Stephen King, for Fairly Obvious Reasons

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Good news: James Patterson has called off his (fictional) hit on Stephen King. Patterson canceled the publication of his novel The Murder of Stephen King after deciding that he did not want to cause King and his family “any discomfort” given that fans have reportedly “disrupted the King household in the past.” The novel, which was set to be published in November, followed King as he is hunted down by a stalker who is “re-enacting the horrors from his novel” and was said to unite “all of Stephen King’s greatest villains, rolled into one.” In the novel, a detective named Jamie Peterson tries to help King. While Patterson has described himself as a fan of King’s, back in 2009, King described Patterson as a “terrible writer,” though Patterson claims to bear no ill will against him for the comment. “I know I’m not a terrible writer,” he said in an interview before the book was pulled. “That’s a little over the top.”

James Patterson Calls Off Murder of Stephen King