Enough with those boring Oscar ceremonies, Meryl Streep is ready to crash the Emmys. She and J.J. Abrams have closed a deal to produce a limited series based this fall’s breakout novel, Nathan Hill’s The Nix, for Warner Bros. Television. The story centers on a radical mother (Streep, presumably, as she’s set to star in the project), who gets attention for her campaign protests, and her estranged son, a literature professor who ends up writing a takedown profile of her. The story centers on the Chicago Democratic conventions of 1968 and 2004, and it’s already gotten a lot of press for its prescient take on today’s politics. Two follow-up questions: Which Gummer is going to play young Meryl? And which actor’s going to be brave enough to play her son? (Oh, and a third question for J.J.: Will this take place in the Felicity or Alias cinematic universe?)